Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Power of A-R-T

For some it's the power of love, for others it's the power of the fart, and while the latter is pretty powerful in the amount of laughter I exert after hearing each unique natural blast of sound, for me personally, the power of art tops it all. A piece that resonates with me is truly the most awesome force to behold. Art is a form of communication from the soul, and when a piece moves a patron in any way, it is because their soul is touched by the piece in some exquisite fashion. A picture is worth a thousand words.

I have recently come into this knowledge of how art empowers me through some of my recent art acquisitions. The most significant being painting 100 by artist Sheldon Drake. Through this piece, I am able to see in a way that I have never seen before just how invisible I have been to my family and my tribe. This piece contains the perfect balance of contrast between paisley pattern forming distinct lines and patterns and morphing dark nebulous shapes, grounded ambient colors and jubliant grounded pastels, a country club life and one of an artist. I've seen them on the same page for the first time ever in my piece, which I have renamed Phish Pose. Now that it is in my collection, I am making certain that I am seen AND heard by my tribe. I feel that it's a rather abrupt change for some members of my clan to absorb at the moment, but I'm confident that over time they will become a bit more comfortable with the latest permanent version of my authentic self.

And yes, love can be powerful in its own right as well. I know it may shock some of you, but even though I am still single, completely by choice!, I have had the periodic acquaintance of the power and beauty of love. It has been a rare occurance, as I think I can count on one hand all the times in my past that I have actually been in-the-moment, but to be able to share those moments with someone else, who was also hopefully in-the-moment as well, is truly special. Something I will hold onto forever. It's up there with the art of a fart! Toot on, fellow artists!!

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