Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bush is a Fucking Asshole

Holy Shit, I've been pretty tolerant of his presidential misvisions, but now that his days are numbered, I'm coming into a new realization of how fucked up this administration's sense of reality really is. However, 8 years ago, I felt confident that he was the better choice over Mr. Gore, as did the majority of the country. But after learning of one of the administration's latest inspiration sprees to see if a fucking shrimp runs faster or slower on a treadmill when it's feeling ill, and then also with a "loaded" duck tape backpack strapped to it, the voices in my head screamed at me that this dude is fucking ludicrous. It would be one thing if this were a show on Comedy Central entitled "Weird Shit", but it's not. It's our government. Breathe in and out. Repeat a million times.

So, upon reading the latest completely dysfunctional move this president has made, I learned that Mr. Bush has given his approving nod to withhold awarding purple hearts to soldiers who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of their experiences on the battle field. Being a survivor of PTSD myself, this came as a most painful jab way below the belt. Where do I even begin? First of all, the fact that the soldiers (everyday men AND women) chose to serve our country, through fighting on enemy lines, maintaining democratic order in certain countries needing a little help with that concept, or a variety of other useful and efficient ways, begs for recognition in itself. It is because we have these volunteers that our country doesn't have a draft! Hello people, wake up and smell the fucking coffee! So we should be honoring these souls, who have seen shit that no person should ever experience, and their time serving our country, our freedom. But with this latest move, the administration is saying that if a soldier is not able to keep up an Arnold Schwarzaneger-like Muscle of Steel exterior for their entire time both in the service and and way beyond the time that they have hung up their helmet, then forget it, we are not awarding you a Purple Heart, because it wasn't earned. GO FUCK YOURSELF, BUSH!

As is evident with this latest presidential dipshit move, all of one's past experiences from this life, and probably from past lives too, form a unique filter from which each one of us views the world. And apparently Bush was very neglected during his childhood and by his family's deaf ear to all his great ideas that he has taken it upon himself to prove to EVERYONE that his ideas are good ones.

T minus 9 days with this prick in the Oval Office. And then, thank God!, there will be a 720 degree turn around in the energetic vision of this country. If I ever see Bush on the street, or any of his people, he will be invisible to me. I appreciate the work he has done in his term, but it is time to move on. And time will only tell of the psychological repercussions that this term and presidential experience, where he has been severely scoffed at by the public and thus been forced to live with really tough love, consequently manifest in his life from here on out. Regardless, I'd be in support of an exile movement. Let's give this sucker a taste of his own medicine.

I am so done with you. Our country is so done with you. Our world is so done with you. Out out, damn Bush!

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