Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Want my MTV

As I read the latest clip on the news about today's technological setback to the O administration, Dire Straits' most notable chorus ran through my head. And while there are 3 million people on the waiting list to get a $40 coupon to help ease the cost of a digital converter that will be needed for older TV sets to be viewed in the new digital format effective next month, a different perspective simultaneously popped into my head along with the background music. So here it is: going Digital nationwide is not only an economic stimulus for the cable/TV businesses, but it can also be a community stimulus which in turn will most likely evolve into another economic stimulus. In plain speak, if people can't watch their TVs at home, they can still catch 'the game' or 'Thursday Night TV' at the neighborhood watering hole and even get to know their neighbors while watching. I know this is a little profound, but watching TV together, can lead to camaraderie, which can lead to social/business networking opportunities, which can lead to employment opportunities, which can lead to individual (financial) stability, which can help this country evolve into a stronger economy. What a brilliant possibility! And it's only one of the thousands that are possible!! So quit your complaining, save your Digital pennies, and in the meantime let off some steam at your favorite watering hole with your buddies and have a little fun, FOR YOUR COUNTRY!

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