Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Revision: I Need a Man Like a Shrimp Needs a Treadmill!

A close friend just informed me of the most recent and absolutely ludicrous inspiration this administration has agreed to fund. $10 Million to test a hypothesis to see if a shrimp can walk on a treadmill?!! in water!!!! And yes, for the record I voted for G.W.! and have stood behind that vote, until this. WHAT THE FUCK HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?!!!! My only question is, what's in it for the shrimp?! A lifetime buffett of shrimp food (do they even eat caviar?!), exclusive celebrity press and their own reality tv show, their own VIP aqua-limo, designer clothes, or simply the freedom to return to regular shrimp-life and do things with other shrimps?! I need answers, damnit! And this just screams "E! Hollywood Exclusive: The Life of a Shrimp".


joe said...

Enjoyed your blog. But, this shrimp on a treadmill thing is serious science. The experiment has actually been done already. They even put a "backpack" on the shrimp to make the "workout" harder. You can read about the experiment and access a video at this site:

The purpose of the research is to learn how pathogens and other environmental changes affect the health of marine life, including shrimp and lobster. Now ordinarily you wouldn't think that the Bush administration would be supportive of this kind of tree hugger science. But when the holy grail of the conservative country club set, i.e. THE SHRIMP COCKTAIL is threatened, no expense can be spared!! So given these facts, I hope that you, as a loyal Republican, will reconsider your judgement--quell your anger and outrage---and get on board with the SAVE THE SHRIMP movement.

Unknown said...

A treadmills is a machine that is used for running or walking without moving any distance. It is an indoor piece. It is used in almost all health clubs and physiotherapy hospitals. According to the desire of an individual the speed can be set.