Saturday, February 21, 2009

Me and Harriett

I'm not talking about me and my pug, her name has had many evolutions since its original incarnation. I'm talking about the fact that Harriett Tubman and I share the same name, "Minty". Her birth name was Araminta, aka "Minty", from which it evolved into "Moses". I'm not sure about the exact flowing evolution of her name, but will find out this Saturday when I go to a reading at the Reginald Lewis (first black millionare) Museum's reading of "Minty and Moses". And then I'll be sure to fill in the missing details.

Strength definitely runs in the blood for anyone who carries the name Minty, and isn't it coincidental that she is also a "Harriett"?! Just as my grandmother was a Harriett (and a) Minty at the same time. I think Tubman was Minty Harriett, and the social monarch was Harriett Minty. Shit man, that would be one historic lunch to have with the two of them at the same table at the Kansas City Country Club!


joe said...

You are the cat's meow!! I'm a prisoner here at Guantanamo and they read your blog to us as torture, but I'm the only one it doesn't affect. The other guys are doing back flips begging them to stop, but I just say "BRING IT ON." Give me more of those tales of Minty!!

As for your pug tales, they don't even allow us to have pets here. The only dogs we have are German Shepards and Pit Bulls, and OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, they bite where it hurts.

I feel we must have met before in a past life, and look forward to seeing you if I ever get out.

Your friend,


joe said...


joe said...

What happened to that GALE FORCE WIND? I must have pushed the wrong button. You are SOOOOOOOOOOO sensitive.