Friday, November 21, 2008

I am Perfect, Everything is Perfect

Upon my recent discovery of being an Indigo Child,, I got inspired with a new life mantra. I am perfect, Everything is perfect. I am the perfect version of me, totally dead on with the universe's script for a completely unique manifestation. Which is what each of us are, perfectly unique manifestations. Isn't that so refreshing to think that you are perfect just the way you are, right now in this moment?! If you've EVER been told that by a parent consider yourself damn lucky.

And then, what if we extrapolated that globally?! That would mean that everything that's happening in the world in this moment is perfect because it's completely in harmony with the universe. All the chaos, celebration, suffering, and progress happening simultaneously is perfect. Perhaps applying this train of thought to global issues would enable us to sit with pain, suffering, and death more without thinking we need to do something to prevent it. We might even come to celebrate death as the departed one has journeyed on to the next adventure. And the celebration would be a well-wishing that their next incarnation is a better one. Wouldn't that be great if individuals and the world thought this way?! It would actually be uplifting, we'd solve a lot more problems quicker, and life might actually be more fun. Pug on it, sportsfans.

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