Friday, November 21, 2008

I am Perfect, Everything is Perfect

Upon my recent discovery of being an Indigo Child,, I got inspired with a new life mantra. I am perfect, Everything is perfect. I am the perfect version of me, totally dead on with the universe's script for a completely unique manifestation. Which is what each of us are, perfectly unique manifestations. Isn't that so refreshing to think that you are perfect just the way you are, right now in this moment?! If you've EVER been told that by a parent consider yourself damn lucky.

And then, what if we extrapolated that globally?! That would mean that everything that's happening in the world in this moment is perfect because it's completely in harmony with the universe. All the chaos, celebration, suffering, and progress happening simultaneously is perfect. Perhaps applying this train of thought to global issues would enable us to sit with pain, suffering, and death more without thinking we need to do something to prevent it. We might even come to celebrate death as the departed one has journeyed on to the next adventure. And the celebration would be a well-wishing that their next incarnation is a better one. Wouldn't that be great if individuals and the world thought this way?! It would actually be uplifting, we'd solve a lot more problems quicker, and life might actually be more fun. Pug on it, sportsfans.

Patience Little Pug

Ahoy Mateys! Welcome to our new blog, well technically it's still just me, but in only 4 months time I will become a we and what's mine will become ours. That's right, I'm expanding, multiplying my kind, and will be soon welcoming my four-legged roomate, Harriett, my art pug. Even though she probably isn't even in this reality yet, I know she will be a great pug. Greatness is in our blood. Speaking of, allow me to explain the origin of this blog's address. Harriett Minty Russell was my paternal grandmother, who was an older version of Lily Pulitzer, who is the modern day Emily Post. I was brought up in a very formal and rigid house with a huge emphasis on appearance. As I am coming into my own, I am discovering I am nothing like the muse I was brought up to be, but rather the painter who paints the muse. Through exploring various artistic modalities, I am making peace with the pain of having lived an inauthentic life. My grandmother's assumed belief system has been a driving force behind that pain, and thus it is only fitting that I name my pug, a dog so ugly it's cute, after her. It will give us both the opportunity and support to live authentic, happy lives. I am so excited to find you, Harriett!! Wherever you are right now! I will love you and care for you and walk you all the time. That's the great thing about Spring! Everything's full of life, full of things to be explored, full of Harriett. So you carry on coming into this reality, and I will carry on getting ready for you!